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Commentaire de E-fred

sur Personne ne cherche la guerre avec l'Iran...

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E-fred E-fred 13 mars 2008 22:18

Pardon d’arriver si tard. Israël, Londres et finir avec Sarkosy, c’est fou !

Je vous sort mon super doc de chez Kärcher, oui, les mêmes que dans les banlieues, seulement là, on va moins rigoler : Safeguard™ 3002-A1 NBC Protective Suit.

Les commandes : www.army-technology.com/contractors/nbc/karcher/press7.html .The Canadian Army has proved to be a perfect contract. Nearly 30,000 protective suits have been delivered to Canada since the middle of 2005 ; another 15,000 suits will arrive in the second largest country of the world by the middle of 2007. "The Canadian Army has been wearing the protective suits during their mission in Afghanistan since the middle of last year, and they are very satisfied with them," says Christoph Seitz, product manager for NBC protective clothing at Kärcher Futuretech, describing the first impressions from the Canadian camp.

Ce n’est pas fini,

The Saudi Arabian Armed Forces have been relying on the properties of the Safeguard 3002-A1 since 2006 (for the second time), and so do the Portuguese Air Force, the Danish Army and special units of the German and Austrian police. The Safeguard 2002-HP, a highly permeable two-piece protective suit with a high wearer comfort, was procured last year by the armed forces of Oman, Thailand and Malaysia, and the Portuguese Marines.

Désolé pour les nouvelles : translate.google.com/translate .

Merci morice pour les liens que vous mettez en ligne, c’est vraiment une chance de pouvoir saisir les infos si rapidement.


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