Il s’agit juste d’un RAH 66 Commanche
n’essayez même pas : il a été retiré des essais et ses exemplaires exposés en musée. Si vous aviez LU vous auriez vu la photo de son FENESTRON, cité lui aussi : VOUS ETES RIDICULE.
Both prototype airframes 94-0327, 95-0001 The Duke, are located at the United States Army Aviation Museum at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Upon program termination airframe 95-0001 was transported from the United Technologies Corporation’s Sikorsky facilities located at Jupiter, FL, and placed on prominent display in the museum’s main chamber and remained on display for approximately four months. The airframes were then transferred to the US Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center at Redstone Arsenal, Al, and were placed into a technology transfer program. This program was spearheaded by Mr. Robert (Bob) Gibbs of the Support Engineering Division, AMRDEC Engineering Directorate and placed under the supervision of Mr. Philip Dussault and Mr. Lionel M. Holguin Jr. Both Comanche airframes were transferred back to the United States Army Aviation Museum in 2008, and have been placed into storage. Airframes are available for viewing only with prior permission and a written explanation submitted to the museum curator.