La dernière citation que je donne n’est probablement pas exacte mais l’idée y est (lien) :
The musician Frank Zappa (1940-1993) often spoke about politics, usually in defense of Constitutional first amendment protections of the freedom of speech and expression. In The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989), he wrote :
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again : Politics Is the Entertainment Branch of Industry. C-SPAN’s coverage of governmental proceedings is wonderful. Caution ! Buffoons on the Hill ! Wallowing in blabber and spew, regiments of ex-lawyers and used-car salesmen attempt to distract us from the naughty little surprises served up by deregulated corporate America.”
Zappa also said “politics is the entertainment branch of industry” in a 1987 interview with Keyboard magazine. The quote means that industry runs government, and all politics (such as elections) are strictly for the public’s entertainment, fooling voters into thinking that the elections matter. The term “military-industrial complex” replaced “industry” in Zappa’s quote (« Government/Politics is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex ») by at least 2002.
Bref, à part la musique, ce que je retiens de Zappa est sa générosité (alors que tant de musicos tombent dans le narcissisme scénique) et sa lucidité générale (combien à son époque dénonçaient cela publiquement ?).