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En réponse à :

brieli67 31 août 2009 11:41

réfléchissez donc un peu !
L’abeille concentre tout ce qui ne la tue pas !

Ce miel des toits de Paris est bourré de toxines et de métaux lourds.

Savez vous que la plus grande production de miel du monde est inconsommable ? Les abeilles de la toundra butinent une erica/bruyère en fleurs toxique pour les mammifères.
Tout miel n’est pas bon !

Une idée géniale ! L’Etat indien depuis deux ans teste un programme de miel sans sucre : les abeilles butinent des champs de stévia.

Le Miel obtenu est jusqu à 5oo fois plus sucré que le sucre de betterave. L’abeille remplace broyeurs centrifugeuses colonnes d’extraction....

cette annéee 1oo ooo ruches et l année prochaine ?

Sugar-free honey project

In an effort to motivate beekeepers to produce sugar-free herbal honey, India has introduced a new ecofriendly beekeeping system in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The National Horticulture Board (NHB) has sent the state 5 000 beekeeping boxes together with the bees, to be distributed in ten of the 12 districts in 2007, an official said.

These bees will be fed on stevia herbal plant leaves that are said to produce sugar-free honey. The plant is considered a natural sweetener and also attracts bees.

These leaves will come in handy in the countryside during dry winters and the rainy season when the bees are unable to fly out in search of food. In the lean season, the hungry bees are normally fed sugar by beekeepers, resulting in the production of poor-quality honey. Stevia will change this practice.

Sugar-free honey is much in demand by diabetics and those who do not wish to gain weight but at the same time want to enjoy the taste of honey. It is also said to reduce cravings for sugar and fat besides being helpful in controlling blood sugar and high blood pressure.

An official said the project was sent to NHB by the Himachal Organic Association to popularize healthy sugar-free honey. Eventually the state government plans to procure some 100 000 beekeeping boxes to produce herbal honey. (Source : India eNews.com, 28 August 2006.)

in http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/a0917e/A0917e03.htm

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