Pour information
Voici la dernière série d’informations signées AP via TEPCO sur la centrale nucléaire japonaise accidentée par le tremblement de terre dont j’ai parlé dans l’article.
Les faits parlent d’eux-mêmes : il faudra au moins 1 an de travaux pour que la centrale soit opérationnelle, la liste des dégâts RECONNUS à ce jour est encore allongée, le coût des réfections devient de plus en plus lourd, et des problèmes de sources du susbtitution énergétiques se posent.
Je pense que cette dépêche nouvelle éclairera l’article d’un jour nouveau sous le seul angle de l’information, qui était son centtre.
Au Japon, le débat continue à s’amplifier. Pour TEPCO, les choses cont aussi mal su lr plan financier que sur le terrain de la confiance publique.
Dossier à suivre avec sérénité.
Bien cordialement vôtre,
Japan faces severe losses over delays at nuclear plant
AP, TOKYO Friday, Jul 27, 2007, Page 5 The company that runs the nuclear power plant severely damaged by a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in northwestern Japan said yesterday it was still estimating damage 10 days after the temblor and did not know when it could reopen.
The Mainichi Shimbun reported yesterday that a delay in resuming operations at the Kashiwazaki Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture — the world’s largest nuclear power facility — could result in ?200 billion (US$1.66 billion) losses for the fiscal year ending in March next year.
The losses at Tokyo Electric Power, which runs the plant, would arise because it might be forced to restart oil and gas plants, which are less cost-efficient than nuclear power plants, the report said.
TEPCO was still assessing the damage from the July 16 quake and did not yet know how much the shutdown would cost, company spokesman Jun Oshima said yesterday.
The company has also not yet decided when the plant, which has been shuttered since the deadly quake, will resume operations, Oshima said, adding that it was considering restarting its oil and gas plants.
News reports on Wednesday cited the head of a government-appointed panel investigating quake damage at the plant as saying it could take at least a year before the plant will reopen.
The earthquake July 16 struck off the coast of Niigata, about 19km from the epicenter. It killed 11 people and injured more than 1,000.
TEPCO has came under fire for being too slow in notifying the public about quake damage at the plant, including radioactive water sloshing out of a tank and into the sea, and radioactive material venting into the air.
TEPCO has also said that parts of a 6m crane inside the reactor building at one of the facility’s seven reactors had been mangled — the first damage to be found so close to a reactor.
Oshima said officials would conduct more detailed inspections at three of the six other reactor buildings yesterday.
Work to repair the plant will not likely begin before the arrival of officials from the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, who are expected to inspect the plant in the next few weeks.
In order to make up for a power shortage caused by the shutdown, six other power companies have agreed to provide emergency electricity on TEPCO’s request.
Also yesterday, Greenpeace said its own inspections on Friday confirmed the level of radiation near the reactors did not surpass the normal level.
The environmental group urged the government to thoroughly investigate the plant.
01/08 18:54 - g.jacquin
01/08 03:04 - Philippe Vassé
Monsieur Jacquin, Je vous remercie d’avoir eu la force morale et la patience (...)
31/07 18:33 - g.jacquin
Décidément, pas facile de se faire comprendre de certain rédacteur... 1) Vous n’avez pas (...)
31/07 15:55 - Philippe Vassé
Cher lecteur, Vous avez semblé ne pas avoir compris que les informations données par (...)
31/07 15:37 - g.jacquin
Etes vous sur que se soit moi qui ne soit pas objectif ? Êtes-vous sur d’avoir (...)
31/07 12:55 - Philippe Vassé
Bonsoir, A vous lire, je comprends votre position même si je ne la partage pas. Après tout, (...)
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