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Commentaire de David Krauss

sur Médecine : un nouvel espoir contre le sida ?

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David Krauss 1er novembre 2007 19:57

Petit extrait de la review, si cela s’avère vraie alors cette piste a été abandonnée à tort il y a des années et ce provoquant une perte de temps énorme et beaucoup de morts, voilà pourquoi je m’intéresse au sujet également :

Pease accepts that antibodies currently held to indicate the presence of HIV, as used in the HIV test, can be a genuine signal of immune dysfunction. She presents evidence, however, that these antibodies are in fact autoantibodies, directed against some of the body’s own cell constituents, rather than representative of an immune response to an infectious agent. This would indicate that AIDS is essentially an autoimmune disease, a view that found currency in the early years of the epidemic but which fell from favour after HIV was accepted in 1984 as the cause of AIDS. Pease’s research was carried out mostly in the faculty of medicine at Birmingham University, in the UK, where she worked with immunologists and rheumatologists as well as virologists in developing expertise on the life cycles of bacteria, their ability to contaminate tissue cultures, and their possible role in various major forms of disease.

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