Max Gross. "’A Certain People’ : Study Confirms Deep Similarities Among Jews." Forward (August 16, 2002) : B11. Excerpts :
"Professor Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University, a geneticist of mixed Ashkenazic and Sephardic descent and one of six scientists who authored the study, called the results surprising. ’I expected a few more admixtures,’ Oppenheim told the Forward. Almost all the researchers expected to see a greater link between Ashkenazic Jews and non-Jewish Eastern Europeans. They thought they would see in the bloodlines the results of Eastern European pogroms, when many Jewish women were raped, producing offspring whose biological fathers were not Jewish.... ’It had an effect,’ Oppenheim said, but it didn’t significantly alter the gene pool. Ashkenazic Jews are still closer, genetically, to Sephardic and Kurdish Jews than to any other population.... ’Part of [the study] was financed by [the government of] India,’ Oppenheim said.... The scientists looked at Y-chromosomes, which come from the male, ’Mostly because [they] give us a bit of a simpler picture,’ Oppenheim said. Oppenheim said that a more thorough study, involving mitochondrial DNA, which comes from the female, will soon get under way."
Jewish genetics
Il se trouve que du fait des persécutions , du fait de l’ extrème difficulté de la conversion au judaisme , beaucoupd de Juifs sont devenus chrétiens ou musulmans , mais que l’ inverse ne s’ est que rarement produit , et on le comprend , car il faut énormement de courage et de volonté pour rester Juif dans un environnement hostile et meurtrier , et à fortiori pour le devenir : 7 ans d’ étude , aprentissage de l’ hébreu et
Peu de non juif aurait accepté le danger et la menace . Peu de non juive auraient eu le courage d’ epouser un Juif .
la grande majorité des Juifs ont un génome moyen oriental et cela embète beaucoup les detracteurs d’ Israel , les meme qui nient l’ existence de la shoah nient l’ existence , pourtant tenace d’ un peuple Juif , bien plus anciens que les barabares EUROP2ENS .