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Commentaire de Henri Masson

sur Les services secrets sont-ils l'avenir de l'espéranto ?

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Henri Masson 12 juin 2008 08:44

La propédeutique de l’anglais, c’est zéro à côté de celle de l’espéranto, puisque le philologue Mario Pei http://home.unilang.org/bb/index.php?n=16&t=10 , comme bien d’autres pédagogues, dont Pierre Bovet, le préconisait comme enseignement préparatoire à celui des autres langues, y compris l’anglais :

"Ne voulant pas le moins du monde atténuer la valeur des autres langues actuellement enseignées, je pense que l’enseignement de l’espéranto aux degrés élémentaires présente plusieurs avantages : il a été prouvé expérimentalement que l’espéranto constitue un excellent pont pour l’étude des autres langues, car grâce à sa simplicité de structure et de vocabulaire il brise la résistance initiale de l’élève moyen unilingue. Il renforce en même temps son vocabulaire de mots étrangers et crée chez l’enfant une confiance en sa propre capacité d’étudier et d’assimiler des langues étrangères."

Mario Pei, professeur de philologie à l’université de Columbia (New York), a écrit plusieurs ouvrages dont une « Histoire de la langue anglaise », « One Language for the World », « What’s in a Word ? Language Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow » .

Merci aux Russes d’avoir mis en ligne « One Language for the World » :


http://miresperanto.narod.ru/biblioteko/pei/17.htm :

"I am the voice of Esperanto, the one and only constructed language that has a body of living speakers, the only language of my artificial family that has had the honor of a full, free discussion at international conferences and international bodies, and has been recommended by a consensus of such bodies to serve as the world language. Numerous nations have issued stamps in my honor, using me ; even more numerous are the nations that use me officially over their air waves, and otherwise recognize me as a secondary language. I am neutral, since I belong to no nation. I am thoroughly international, yet quite familiar in spots to all who undertake to use me. My grammatical structure, while so simple that a child can learn me, has points of contact with the languages of the Indo-European group, with those of the agglutinative family, even with the isolating tongues. My vocabulary represents a blend of the two most numerous groups of the Indo-European stock, the Latin-Romance and the Germanic, but in me you will find Greek, Slavic, Oriental words. My system of suffixes and word-formation lends itself to infinite expansion of vocabulary and full-fledged literary use, and this I have proved by developing a flourishing literature, both original and in translation. My sounds are easy for all to pronounce, for I have taken only those sounds which most civilized languages hold in common, and my syllabic arrangement is open and clear, so that I vie with Italian in harmony and euphony. My system of spelling and accentuation is such that no one need ever be in the least doubt as to how any one of my words is pronounced when he sees it written, or how it is spelled when he hears it uttered. My career has not been ephemeral, like that of Volapiik ; despite oppositions and rivalries, I have survived and grown, and today my followers are more numerous than they have ever been. The smaller nations of the world favor me, as well they should, since I put their citizens on a plane of absolute linguistic equality with those of the larger and more powerful world states. When people hear the term ’international language,’ nine out of ten think of me, and not of any other tongue, national or constructed."

"Far from rejecting Esperanto...I have been advocating it for a long time." (Personal letter to this contributor, 1969) http://www.answers.com/topic/mario-pei

La logique commande en effet d’aller du plus facile au plus difficile, or avec l’anglais c’est l’inverse par rapport à l’espéranto. Mais ça, ça échappe tout autant à la comprenoire de Xavier Darcos qu’à celle de la secte aspique.


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