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Commentaire de E-fred

sur La France et le sionisme en 1945

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E-fred E-fred 15 juillet 2008 21:29

Article qui me semble très instrutif pour ma part.

Je suis dans l’article de Haaertz et déjà, japprends quelques chose d’intéressant " After Arab armies invaded the country, on May 15, 1948, British agents disguised as Jordanian legionnaires attacked the French Consulate compound in the Old City of Jerusalem". Rappel médiatique de ces derniers jour oblige, j’ai tout de suite pensé au Drakkar...

C’est quand même fou ce retournement de situation, la guerre n’est même pas finie !
"France’s collaboration with Zionist institutions in intelligence and covert diplomacy, as part of the struggle against Britain and the Arab nations. New research reveals that the French intelligence services succeeded not only in infiltrating the Syrian Foreign Ministry but also in placing an agent in the British legation in Beirut in late 1944".

Je viens de trouver un lien en français :

Mais je continue avec votre lien : " The parallelism between a Jewish homeland in Palestine and a Christian homeland in Lebanon, which has always been advocated by the Jewish Agency, has now become everyone’s leitmotif"

L’autre "Livre blanc"..." He already knew then, based on British documents provided by the French agent secreted into the British office in Beirut, that Britain intended to continue forcing its White Paper on the Zionist movement and to prevent the establishment of an independent Jewish state. This policy was part of Britain’s secret plan to establish a Greater Syria by unifying Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Palestine into a single political entity. "

Alors, encore et toujours pérfide Albion ?

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