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Commentaire de morice

sur Sarkozy a-t-il trahi le peuple ?

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morice morice 19 juillet 2008 11:11

 trahison peut être.. mais lisez tous ce surprenant article d’un journal anglais : on y parle de TRAHISON préparée, en rappelant celle d’un certain BRUTUS..... très surprenant parallèle en particulier celui des liens avec Probst.... le baby-Probst ??? Srko junior bébé du Prince Pokou ah ben ça alors...Tu quoque fili mi....Mr Dugué, vite un article là-dessus.... siouplait...

He is going to astonish us all that one," he said this week. "There is Brutus in him. Or Caligula. He has his father’s mannerisms and his father’s voice but he is taller, better-built and he looks like an angel."

What, then, are we to make of a brilliant, natural politician who has started his career absurdly young and attracts adulation, or controversy, wherever he goes ? As Jean-Francois Probst said : "He is going to astonish us all, that one."

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