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Commentaire de fonzibrain

sur Le réchauffement climatique... et la guerre froide

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W.Best fonzibrain 19 novembre 2008 01:03

oila quelques liens supplémentaires :


http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx ?ReportId=25039 :sur l’augmentation constatée des bébés mal-formés
http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx ?ReportId=24287 :sur l’observation de zone fortemment irradiées dans le sud de l’irak,"According to a study of cancer patients in Basra carried out by the doctor in 1988, cancer rates were 11 per 100,000 people. The number went up to 116 in 1991 and 123 in 2002. There was also a sharp rise in the leukemia patients in 1996 and there has been another rise in recent years. Many cases are near places where DU weapons were used,"avant la 2eme guerre d’irak donc.
http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx ?ReportId=23717 :sur l’augmentation des cancers ,"In 1994, there were about 140 cases. In the last couple of years, the number has soared to more than 290 per year. Doctors believe the rapid rise in a disease they just call "malignancy" may be caused by the toxic environmental conditions left by the first Gulf war.
"We feel that there is an increase, but we don’t know from what," al-Jadiry said. "The number of cases may even be underestimated, because some of the cases are treated in private hospitals" donc plus d’un doublement des cas et encore de ceux qu’ont vu les médecins et cela avant la seconde guerre du Golf.
http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx ?ReportId=71696 :article de Juin 2007(remarquez que même si on parle de radiation,on ne parle pas d’uranium appauvri.peut être que la présence U.S dans le pays)
According to specialists, the number of cancer cases has increased dramatically over the past five years, partly as a result of exposure to polluted materials during wars over the past 25 years.
“We see more than six new cases of cancer in our hospital per week. Years ago, we were treating about 4,000 patients per year but in the past three years, the number has jumped to more than 9,000 cases a year,” Bassima Jua’ad, oncologist at the Cancer Radiation Hospital in the capital, said.
“The most worrying thing is that dozens of those patients have been exposed to radiation in different forms. Some were living near polluted sites, others were children during the last wars who played near dangerous sites and now the effects are appearing on them or in their children,” she added. According to the Ministry of Health, about 52 percent of all cancer patients in Iraq are children under 5 years of age.
In general, it takes more than 20 years for people to develop radiation-related diseases after they have been exposed to radiation but Dr Salah Bahiri, an environmentalist and oncologist, said that such diseases can develop more quickly if exposure is higher.
“Cases of leukaemia, especially among children, have risen without control. This type of cancer is very common among people who had been exposed to polluted sites,” Bahiri said.
In Tuwaitha, 18 km south of Baghdad, where nuclear research has been going on for years, many residents appear to have suffered some ill effects, according to Bahiri.
“Tests developed at the Radiation Studies Centre (RSC) showed that of 4,000 residents who had their blood tested in five villages surrounding Tuwaitha, about half were found to have higher than normal white blood cell counts, showing a higher capacity of development of cancer than other communities,” Bahiri added.

http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/uranium%2Bappauvri/video/x4x3za_dr-dahlia-wasfi_news :Dr Dahlia Wasfi, de mère juive européenne et de père Irakien, a passé une partie de son enfance en Irak. Extraits de son témoignage à la conférence « Socialism 2007 conférence » à Chicago, 16 Juin 2007.
du discours de Dr Dahlia Wasfi :
Debut du discours « Quand je parle c’est toujours en pensant aux 2 côtés de ma famille. Mais ce soir c’est pour un de mes cousins qui vit à Baghdad, il a 21 ans et meurt d’un cancer au cerveau et dans mon esprit il est clair que c’est lié à l’utilisation de l’Uranium Appauvri. Je m’adresse à vous au nom de membres de ma famille, juifs Ashkénaze qui ont fui l’Autriche. C’est pour eux qu’on dit « plus jamais ça ».
Pour terminer :
Voila un site qui regroupe des dizaines de contributions écrites sur le sujet :
en voila quelques uns :
Depleted Uranium :
The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War,by Leuren Moret / World Affairs — The Journal of International Issues, 2004 July 01.
 : http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/2004/DU-Trojan-Horse1jul04.htm ,Depleted Uranium In India.

Spreading Worldwide,From Karl W B Schwarz le 03/20/2006, http://rense.com/general70/deple.htm .
Depleted Uranium - A Killer Disaster By Travis Dunn ,12-29-2 , http://www.rense.com/general33/depl.htm .Certains font meme un lien entre une augmentation sans précèdent des cas de diabète : Pandemic Diabetes And Depleted Uranium,,le 09/25/2006,voila un extrait de Leuren Moret :
Quote : "The global pandemic of diabetes which is increasing each year, began with the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The resulting global atmospheric pollution has resulted in a diabetes pandemic caused by hundreds of thousands of pounds of vaporized depleted uranium used in atomic and hydrogen bombs as "tamping", fission products from nuclear power plants, and the illegal use of depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weapons introduced to the battlefield by the US in 1991." http://rense.com/general73/deep.htm .
Et d’autre ont l’impression de subir des pressions ou d’être surveillés " (San Francisco Bay View) Dr Mishra described June 29th to June 6 as "A week from Hell." International radiation expert Leuren Moret talked to Dr Mishra, a famous surgeon from India, the afternoon of July 7, 2006. Dr. Mishra’s report was grim. I had tried to reach him by phone and email for a week. I was concerned about his safety. On July 10 Dr Mishra stated "I will not be cowed down...Dr. Mishra said he was advised by someone in the [Indian] government to "leave town for three days because of the danger." Mishra said he did and "unidentified Government agents blocked my computer, blocked my phone and email and harassed my family."
Dr. Mishra said it started on his visit to the Consul at the Italian Consulate on June 29th regarding his earlier request for an Italian Visa. A Visa is an entry and travel permit and can only be issued in Bombay by Italian Consul Baeceloni. Mishra was called back without an explanation.
The Consul asked Dr. Mishra 1) Who is your sponsor in Italy, 2) What is your hotel in Italy and 3) what is your interest in Leuren Moret, in diabetes and depleted uranium ? Dr. Mishra had said nothing about diabetes, depleted uranium or Leuren Moret." dans " Diabetes and Depleted Uranium - Italian Embassy Cover up Continues" , http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3 ?id_article=12535 .

mais tu as raison,c’est nous les plus sympa,tout ces dictateurs sont le problème

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