Et il y en a qui ont eu des remords :
Aharon Zisling was among the founders of Youth Aliya and as a member of the Haganah command, and participated in the founding of the Palmach ; he was a founder of the Ahdut HaAvoda party, a Jewish Agency delegate to the UN and a member of the Zionist Executive Committee.
Following Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948, he was appointed Minister of Agrictulturein David Ben-Gurion’s provisional government. By then Ahdut HaAvoda had evolved into Mapam.
However, Zisling was a noted critic of Ben-Gurion’s policies towards Palestinian Arabs, in particular plans to occupy abandoned villages and to destroy standing Arab crops throughout the country after the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict.
On November 17, 1948 he told the Provisional State Council (the forerunner to the Knesset) ; "I couldn’t sleep all night. I felt that things that were going on were hurting my soul, the soul of my family and all of us here (...) Now Jews too have behaved like Nazis and my entire being has been shaken."[1]
Il y a aussi les historiens et archéologues israêliens maudits :
Israël Finkielkaraut : qui remet en cause la réalité des récits bibliques dont se servent les orthodoxes et certains sionistes pour légitimer leur présence
Shlomo Sand : qui remet en cause l’unicité du peuple juif et de son lien sanguin avec Israël
Ilan Pape : qui rmet en cause l’histoire présentée par israël de la guerre de 1948
Quel racaille antisémite, hein ?