Les vins de Garage et les supers Parkérisés..............
LE SECRET http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmose_inverse
cf version anglaise.
ben oui selon des experts c’est biocompatible !!
Il y a des subventions européennes pour planter des vignes en Hollande sur les terrains horticoles et maraîchers. Les cabernets et les merlots de Slovénie sont superbes.......
Although use of the process was once frowned upon in the wine industry, it is now widely understood and used. An estimated 60 reverse osmosis machines were in use in Bordeaux, France in 2002. Known users include many of the elite classed growths (Kramer) such as Château Léoville-Las Cases in Bordeaux.
Reverse osmosis is used globally throughout the wine industry for many practices including wine and juice concentration, taint removal ; such as acetic acid, smoke taint and brettanomyces taint ; and alcohol removal. The patent holder for these processes, Vinovation, Inc., claims to have served over 1000 wineries worldwide, either directly or through one if its licensed partners, in the last 15 years. Its use has become so widely accepted that patent infringers have sprung up on several continents.