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Commentaire de hihoha

sur « L'homme le plus dangereux » du monde, Mumbai et le 11-Septembre

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hihoha 13 décembre 2008 10:55


Comment peut croire une seconde aux allégations de ce général manipulateur anti- juif et anti -occidentale ?

 Sauf si ; bien sûr comme l’auteur, on poursuit un but inavouable, articles après articles ...les juifs par ici les juifs par là, le lobby sioniste des médias, le mossad, mais quelle prose nauséabonde...


[edit] Iranian front

In Islamabad, Gul asked that Iran should explain its bona fides regarding the pact signed with India to jointly counter terrorism. According to him, "Iran should come clear on the nature of agreement with India. Otherwise this will create doubts and apprehensions in Muslim Ummah that Iran helps RAW in putting down Kashmir jihad". He also added that in case doubts about the agreement came true and Iran was seen as working with India against "Kashmir freedom struggle", then it will be concluded that the country also supports Mossad, Israeli external intelligence agency.[8]

[edit] Turning Against America

General Gul worked closely with the CIA during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan when he was the ISI chief. But, he became passionately anti-American after the United States turned its back on Afghanistan following the 1989 Soviet withdrawal, as the United States had promised to help build a prosperous Afghanistan.[7] He was further disconcerted when the USA began punishing Pakistan with economic and military sanctions for its secret nuclear program. General Gul then went on to declare that "the Muslim world must stand united to confront the U.S. in its so-called War on Terrorism, which is in reality a war against Muslims. Let’s destroy America wherever its troops are trapped."[9]

General Gul personally met Osama Bin Laden in 1993 and refused to label him a terrorist unless and until irrefutable evidence was provided linking him to alleged acts of terrorism.[10]

[edit] Post-Army career

[edit] Solidarity with Osama bin Laden

According to Zahid Hussain, in his book Frontline Pakistan, Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul and former Army chief General Mirza Aslam Beg were part of the 9 January, 2001 Darul Uloom Haqqania Islamic conference held near Peshawar, which was also attended by 300 leaders representing various radical Islamic groups. The meeting declared it a religious duty of Muslims all over the world to protect the Taliban government, and the Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden it was hosting, whom they considered as a ’great Muslim warrior.’[11]

[edit] Support for Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry

On March 12, 2007, Gul marched shoulder-to-shoulder with activists from the liberal democratic parties and retired former senior military officers against General Pervez Musharraf. General Gul faced down riot police when they tried to arrest him at a rally outside the Supreme Court in Islamabad protesting against attempts to dismiss Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.[12]

[edit] Accusation by Benazir Bhutto

Days after the 2007 Karachi bombings, Benazir Bhutto in a letter to President Musharaf written on 16 October, 2007 named Hamid Gul as one of the four persons including the current Intelligence Bureau (IB) Chief Ijaz Shah, the then chief minister of Punjab Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, then chief minister of Sindh Arbab Ghulam Rahim, she suspected were behind the attacks.[13] Gul responded furiously to these claims. He was arrested on November 4 in Islamabad during President Pervez Musharraf’s declared state of emergency.[14]

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