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Commentaire de plancherDesVaches

sur Bienvenue aux Paquets de Bonus !

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plancherDesVaches 27 avril 2009 20:56

Très bon lien, Manusan.
Le clash des cartes de crédit avait déjà été évoqué par Sorros, en novembre, je pense. Mais sans les données maintenant disponibles.
Ce commentaire renseigne bien sur la mentalité from US... :
"There are three differences between US and a banana republic printing money out of thin air :
1) Our money is backed by oil. All oil contracts in the world, until recently, were denominated in dollars.
2) We are too big to fail. If we go down, the whole world economy goes with us, so the charade must go on, despite ze emperor sans pantolones.
3) We have enough nuculur (that’s a fun way to say nuclear, ala W) WMD’s to take out this planet, the moon and the rest of the solar system. Ask the last guy what happens if you don’t think FRN’s are legal tender…

If 30 years of being underwater hasn’t broken the dollar, what makes you think this will ? It might…and it might not. The scarier the scenario the more flight to ‘quality’ and the more vicious the fighting for the last chair when the music stops."

Et si suffisamment de pays arrivent à s’allier contre leur monnaie de singes.... smiley

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