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Commentaire de Kalki

sur Hadopi : quand les artistocrates tuent la République

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Kalki Kalki 15 mai 2009 15:41

On est envahit par les cochons, ces extraterrestres (pas humain, inhumain, dans tout age de l’humanité) il veulent controler la planète, et ils ont réussi :

MAIS .......


DUKE est là pour les ATOMISER !!


DuKe (Nuke them)


Lost in a world of doubt and insecurity
Nothing that you hold sacred, nothing you believe
Your life is a contradiction
While you thrive on manipulation
I fight to just hold on to what I believe
I won’t become the thing I hate
I won’t become the thing I hate
I won’t become the thing I hate
I won’t become you

You’ve treated me like I’m a worthless piece of shit
You think you’re in control but you make me sick
I want to watch you suffer
The way that you’ve made me suffer
I want to fuck up everything you’ve ever loved

I won’t become the thing I hate
I won’t become the thing I hate
I won’t become the thing I hate
I won’t become you

J’ai peur qu’on ait pas encore trouvé les Duke Nuker, nos révolutionnaires. Ou ils ne se connaissent pas encore ( eux meme et entre eux ) .

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