Vous vous TARGEZ d’être un ... HISTORIEN et vous êtes ... INFOUTU ... depuis des MOIS de COMPRENDRE cet élément SIMPLISSIMME : le père de Hitler avait pour nom ... HITLER et pas Frankenberger !
Ceux qui disent le contraire sont des ... IMBECILES !
résultat, vous n’êtes donc pas historien... frankenmachin
Alois Hitler’s biological father :
Historians have discussed three candidates :
Hitler Jewish ?Question
Harry W. Mazal OBE answers :hello ! i am a ninth grader and i have been reasearching the holocaust for three years now and i am very interested in it. i have a question. my english teacher told me that Hitlers grandmother was Jewish and i was wondering if he did to her what he did to her what he did to the other jewish people. thank you very much
I am one of the persons who responds to questions about the Holocaust. It is possible that you will receive answers from my other colleagues too.
Hitler’s grandmother was not Jewish.
There are some rumors hinting that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish. Few, if any, of the reputable historians on the Holocaust believe that this is so. It is more likely that Hitler tried to keep the murky history of his family quite secret because there was a high incidence of insanity and feeble-mindedness in his ancestors.
Rumors die hard, though.
One of Hitler’s henchmen, Hans Frank, declared during the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-46, that Hitler’s grandmother had worked in the town of Graz as a servant in the home of a Jewish family named Frankenberger. He further claimed that she was seduced by the head of the household and that Hitler’s grandfather was the result of that liaison.
A subsequent analysis of Frank’s statement by Simon Wiesenthal disclosed that there was no evidence of any Jewish family named Frankenberger ever living in Graz. What is more, Jews had been driven out of Graz in the 15th century and had not been allowed to return until 1856, nearly twenty years after Hitler’s grandfather had been born.
Hitler’s grandmother’s maiden name was Schickelgruber. There is considerable evidence that this family produced abnormal progeny. Examples are : one of Hitler’s relatives through his mother’s side committed suicide in 1920, another, Aloisha had been placed in an insane asylum, another was « feeble-minded, » and yet another was retarded.
According to the article from which I am quoting this material :
« Hitler’s real fear, then, was not that someone would discover that he has a Jewish grandfather, but that it would someday come to light that he carried a hereditary disposition toward mental illness and retardation. »
You might ask your English teacher to go to a good library and see the following article :
« Hitler’s Family Secret : A file recovered from the Nazi Archives tells of a Gestapo investigation into the Fuehrer’s murky family history. »
By : Ben S. Swearingen
Civilization : The Magazine of the Library of Congress Volume 2, Number 2, Arcg/April 1995, pp. 54-55
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