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Commentaire de morice

sur Irlande : bataille truquée, bataille perdue, mais pas la fin de la guerre

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morice morice 5 octobre 2009 11:02

posez vous plutôt la question de pourquoi Ganley avait entre temps retourné chemise !


I regard Declan Ganley as our Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. He set aside his work in his fields to come and save us once before in a time of great national peril. He then returned to his fields but national peril has raised its head again and forced him to come back to try to save us once more. And yes, the Roman plebs had an ambivalent view of auld Lucius as well. It was only long after his death that they gave honour where honour was due.

Let’s all just pray that Ganley suceeds in routing our beseigers and making them walk under a yoke. As Lucius did.

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« dictateur à deux reprises en 458 et en 439 av. J.-C., fervent opposant à la plèbe et figure semi-légendaire.  »

comme Ganley....

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