je vous conseille tous d’allez lire ce texte passionnant toutes affaires cessantes ...
In reality, there are almost no al-Qa’ida fighters in Afghanistan. That’s not my view : it’s that of General Jim Jones, the US National Security Advisor. He said last week there were 100 al-Qa’ida fighters in Afghanistan. That’s worth repeating : there are 100 al-Qa’ida fighters in Afghanistan. Nor is that a sign that the war is working. The Taliban or warlords friendly to them already control 40 per cent of Afghanistan now, today. They can build all the « training camps » they want there – but they have only found a hundred fundamentalist thugs to staff them.
la motivation des insurgés ? La religion ? pas du tout : l’occupation !
There are plenty of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan – but they are a different matter to al-Qa’ida. The latest leaked US intelligence reports say, according to the Boston Globe, that 90 per cent of them are « a tribal, localised insurgency » who « see themselves as opposing the US because it is an occupying power ». They have « no goals » beyond Afghanistan’s borders.
la sharia appliquée par qui alors ? les potes de Karzai ! et nous, on soutient qui ? Karzai !!
But as she told me last month : « Your governments have replaced the fundamentalist rule of the Taliban with another fundamentalist regime of warlords. » Outside Kabul, vicious Taliban who enforce sharia law have merely been replaced by vicious warlords who enforce sharia law. « The situation now is as catastrophic as it was under the Taliban for women, » she said. Any Afghan president – Karzai, or his opponents – will only ever in practice be the mayor of Kabul. Beyond is a sea of warlordism, as evil to women as Mullah Omar. That is not a difference worth fighting and dying for.
résultat et conclusion : les USA seraient plus protégés si on construisait des écoles coraniques qu’en bombardant ces mêmes écoles !
If Obama is serious about undermining this vile fanatical movement, it would be much wiser to take the hundreds of billions he is currently squandering on chasing after a hundred fighters in the Afghan mountains and redeploy it. Spend it instead on beefing up policing and intelligence, and on building a network of schools across Pakistan and other flash-points in the Muslim world, so parents there have an alternative to the fanatical madrassahs that churn out bin Laden-fodder. The American people will be far safer if the world sees them building schools for Muslim kids instead of dropping bombs on them.
bref, y’en a qui devraient apprendre à lire... les sources. Elles sont où ? dans le premier lien comme elles l’étaient dans mon texte de départ...
01/02 01:28 - morice
IDEMA, mort ce jour... du SIDA !
22/10 12:06 - Marcel Chapoutier
Ah Benny Laden, dont on continue à parler, j’ai entendu encore récemment dire « on est (...)
22/10 09:47 - LE CHAT
cela dit , Patrice Lumumba était un peu le Chavez de son époque , donc la CIA voulait sa peau (...)
22/10 09:37 - LE CHAT
@momo mais pourquoi dénoncer les saloperies du KGB serait incompatible avec la dénonciation (...)
22/10 09:04 - morice
22/10 00:44 - USFC Vesoul
Je ne vois pas où est la contradiction. Vous et certains de vos commentateurs parlez de la (...)
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