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Commentaire de Céphale

sur La mise à mort du travail

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Céphale Céphale 31 octobre 2009 11:30

Un ami vient de me rapporter de Chine un livre sur Deming, un livre de 350 pages. Je ne lis pas le chinois, mais j’ai lu la préface, traduite en anglais. Elle est de Jean-Marie Gogue. Passages :

In history there are some big changes having their roots in obscure events whose actors don’t realize the importance immediately. In June 1950, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a consultant in Statistical Studies, gave a series of lectures in Japan. He had been invited by a small group of statisticians in order to teach senior and top managers new methods to improve quality and productivity.

This book has the merit of placing Dr. Deming and his message under the limelights again, while too many people tend to put him in the Pantheon of Science.

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