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Commentaire de Eloi

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Eloi Eloi 2 novembre 2009 20:11

Concernant l’eurobaromètre « spécial » 297 de juin 2008

je lis dans la conclusion p92

« Support for nuclear energy has increased considerably in the European Union
since 2005 and the share of supporters is now nearly identical (44%) to the share of
opponents (45%). Respondents in countries that have operational nuclear power
plants are considerably more likely to support nuclear energy than citizens in other
It moreover appears that the safety aspect of managing radioactive waste is
crucial for opponents of nuclear energy. Nearly four in ten of these respondents
would change their opinion about nuclear energy if there was a permanent and safe
solution for managing radioactive waste. The majority of opponents would however
remain opposed to this type of energy or think that there is no solution for managing
radioactive waste.
Europeans, moreover, widely recognise some of the beneficial effects of
nuclear energy ; the vast majority of the European public agrees that nuclear power
usage is advantageous because it allows EU countries to diversify their energy sources
(64%), decrease their dependence on oil (63%) and because it emits less greenhouse
gases than, for instance, oil and coal (62%). »

Il faudra vraiment que l’auteur m’explique...

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