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Commentaire de fonzibrain

sur La capsule d'éjection de la NASA

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W.Best fonzibrain 24 novembre 2009 13:26

le plus débile étant qu’ils continuent avec ces motorisation d’un autre age alors que l’antigravité existe depuis des décénies

Presidential Directive opens door for release of antigravity technology

Prior to his current appointment as Obama’s National Security Advisor, General James Jones was involved in a secretive Boeing Corporation effort to declassify antigravitytechnology for commercial application. Classified antigravitytechnologies have been kept from the public realm for over six decades while being secretly developed by military-corporate entities. The door may now be open for the release of such technology.

The idea that advanced antigravitytechnologies exist and have been developed by military-corporate entities is supported by the former CEO for Lockheed Skunk works. Ben Rich said :

“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.. anything you can imagine we already know how to do. “


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