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Commentaire de morice

sur Tsahal et les trafics d'organes : de l'intox à l'info

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morice morice 24 novembre 2009 19:02

ça se sent : il est partisan, et on y apprend que la comique lit l’hébreu dans le texte : mais ça, on s"en doutait...


elle n’est pas plus douée pour retrouver un poumon perdu qu’un container à Ashdod. Vous aussi, d’ailleurs.

et la collecte personnelle des dollars pour des fonds destinés à des associations, vous allez nous en parler quand, les deux comiques là ??



Weisz is the Grand Rabbi of Spinka, an Orthodox Jewish sect.

Authorities say he helped solicit millions of dollars in contributions to Spinka charitable groups by promising to secretly refund up to 95 percent of the donations. This allowed his contributors to falsely claim higher tax deductions. 

au milieu de la machine à laver l’argent sale, des morceaux :

It was replete with tales of the illegal sales of body parts ; of furtive negotiations in diners, parking lots and boiler rooms ; of nervous jokes about “patting down” a man who turned out to indeed be an informant ; and, again and again, of the passing of cash — once in a box of Apple Jacks cereal stuffed with $97,000.

Much of the cash they provided him came from Israel, and some of that in turn came from a Swiss banker, prosecutors said. All told, some $3 million was laundered for Mr. Dwek since June 2007, prosecutors said.

le New-york times étant un journal de racontars... bien entendu !!
viennent d’où les morceaux ?

Another man in Brooklyn, Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum, was accused of enticing vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 and then selling the organ for $160,000. Mr. Dwek pretended to be soliciting a kidney on behalf of someone and Mr. Rosenbaum said that he had been in business of buying organs for years, according to the complaint.

ça roule, les morceaux à Hoboken !!!


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