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Commentaire de Pierre JC Allard

sur Europe du chômage : L'Espagne vers une réduction du temps de travail

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Pierre JC Allard Pierre JC Allard 9 décembre 2009 00:20

@ Ab : 

« Not only have the tools changed, but so have the goals and targets of work. Let’s take the industrial production of all manufactured goods ; then, add agriculture, fishery, forestry, construction, mining... Don’t you have about all there was to »work« a century ago ? Surprise though ! Now, all these activities together provide employment for only one worker out of three ; the two others are busy with the production of services and »intangibles« . So, if the workload were spread equally, each able-bodied American over the age of 16 would have to put up only 8 hours a-week to produce all these tangible goods that we consume, fill warehouses with, and export to the world. And it is the same all around the world ; although »unemployment« is the social drama that raises eyebrows, it seems that it is »work" itself which has quietly faded away.

The Age of Toil is over.

Crisis and Beyond

Pierre JC Allard ( circa 1970....)

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