« Vous n’ayez répondu en aucun point sur mon texte. Voila ce qu’est lorsqu’on est de parti-pris : tout contre ou tout pour, c’est ce qu’il y a de pire. »
Que repondre a votre discours confus ou l’aigreur est perceptible a chaque ligne ?
Lors de la sceance questions/reponses de 4h avec Vladimir Poutine :
- le mot « corruption » revient 11 fois (intervenants et Poutine)
- le mot « police » 8 fois principalement dans cet echange :
« Pavel Popov from Omsk has just posted the following question on our website. »The police are not very popular today. Each day, we learn about police officers attacking people. Police officers are filming their exploits on video cameras. You understand what I mean. Maybe we should disband the police force and establish a new force from scratch ?" This has now become an important issue.
Vladimir Putin : Ukraine, which is our neighbour and friend, recently disbanded the national traffic police force. But nothing good came of it. Bribes soared and traffic safety declined when their functions were delegated to other divisions unprepared for such work.
Today, a lady took part in our conversation and asked a question about the refusal of doctors to treat her mother. I believe that, unfortunately, this is primarily linked with extortion. Also, law enforcement faces many other problems.
Unfortunately, we are also dealing with those violating the law in this area. Instead of protecting citizens and their property, they inflict irreparable damage on their lives and health. This is, of course, unacceptable. Society as a whole and the Ministry of Interior must actively combat this abuse. Police officers violating the law must be severely punished.
At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Ministry of Interior now employs over a million officers. To the best of my knowledge, their number stands at 1.4 million and exceeds the strength of the Russian Armed Forces. These people are fulfilling an important function. Many of them risk their lives in emergencies and during routine missions, too. Consequently, I don’t think it’s fair to describe all police officers negatively. But I want to repeat that a sharp, prompt and tough reaction to abuse in law enforcement is essential. "
- le mot « poverty » 3 fois :
We all remember how this crisis year began - millions feared poverty, hundreds of thousands worried about getting fired, businesses were pondering future losses, and many people thought the authorities would again leave them in the lurch, just as it happened many times in Russia’s history.
Of course, many people lost their jobs, many lost both their savings and their jobs, but the authorities did not try to solve problems at the expense of the people. Instead, they worked painstakingly to pinpoint problems at individual enterprises, forged agreements with business, and helped Russian manufacturers. Where did we succeed and where did we fail ? These are the questions we are going to discuss with Vladimir Putin today.
When will the government tackle poverty among the working population ?
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin : Yekaterina Nikolayevna, it is hard and, indeed, practically impossible to survive on such pay. I am sure you are helping your relatives and you solve your financial problems together. It is hard, I agree. The question is, what to do.
I have already mentioned that we passed a decision at the end of last year, in December, to increase the wage fund for the federal public sector workers by 30% at once, but we immediately launched a reform of the budget sector.
I will tell you in a nutshell what these reforms amount to. We have given public sector institutions much greater discretion as to how they spend government money and have enabled them to optimise their spending. In other words, optimisation of expenditure is to a large extent in the hands of the managers of various institutions.
The Russian regions have done the same with regard to their public sector institutions, and preschools and other childcare institutions are under the jurisdiction of the municipalities and partly the regions of the Federation considering the special budget relationships between the regions and the municipalities. Where this has been accomplished, it is obvious - we have objective data - that the remuneration of the employees of these institutions is growing.
« Why don’t all able-bodied people work in this country ? It is necessary to make sure that salaries and wages for all professions should not differ from one another by more than five times. »
I am in complete agreement with this. There is an enormous gap between those people who earn high incomes, and those on the minimum wage. It is one of the key economic and social problems. We must bridge that gap. We have a special programme on combating poverty. The crisis has shaken it a little, but we will definitely implement it fully in the future. That is something we’ll work on.
1- Suivre une conference de 4h cela semble long, surtout du non-stop sans une seule pause, mais en fait vu la diversite des questions posees cela m’ a semble tres rapide.
2- Ensuite vous pouvez copier le texte original ou sa version anglaise sous un editeur de texte et utiliser la fonction recherche avec des mots cles.
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