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Commentaire de RussieCitizen81

sur 26 mythes sur la Russie !

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RussieCitizen81 30 décembre 2009 03:39

Hello Mr. Latsa, I’m very sorry, but I do not speak French, so I’m forced to use English instead (((. I’m Russian myself - wanted to say thanks for this article.

 IT IS TIME to move on from silly prejudice and myths about Russia today, about how we’re are out to conquer the world and eat babies ))). Why would we want to conquer anyone ???? We have plenty of everything in our own country - land, resources etc.

You should read the comments on Inosmi.ru - over 700 last I checked and your article is THE top story on that website.

This conversation between real people is the best way to solve issues and misunderstanding.

All the best, V.

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