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Commentaire de eleusis

sur Pédophilie des prêtres - La faute au célibat ?

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Eleusis Bastiat - Le Parisien Libéral eleusis 4 avril 2010 09:52

une etude empirique ici http://parentingmethods.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_profile_of_a_pedophile

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the characteristics and behavioral indicators of a pedophile, also referred to as a serial child sex abuser include the following :

  1. Usually an adult male but some women also sexually abuse children
  2. Often a child molestation victim themselves
  3. Seeks out children of the age group they were when victimized
  4. Usually married and hard-working
  5. Employed within a wide range of occupations
  6. Usually well-liked and respected community members
  7. Often well-educated and regular church-goers
  8. Relates better with children than adults
  9. Some prefer boys, some prefer girls
  10. Usually prefers a specific age group of children
  11. Takes and collects photographs of victims while dressed, nude or in sexual poses
  12. Collects child-adult pornography
  13. Seeks to lower inhibitions of potential victims
  14. Regularly attends children’s events in the community
  15. Volunteers in youth organizations
  16. Coaches children’s sports
  17. Chaperones camping or overnight trips
  18. Frequents video arcades, playgrounds or shopping malls
  19. Offers babysitting services
  20. Seeks jobs where children are easily accessible
  21. Befriends parents, especially single mothers, to gain access to children
  22. Participates in internet gaming with children
  23. Joins social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook, and other social media
  24. Become foster parents
  25. Seeks job opportunities where children are easily-accessible

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