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Commentaire de François M.

sur Le Tchernobyl des pétrolières

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François M. 15 mai 2010 20:28

Selon les vidéos apparues et les calculs d’experts, la situation est dix fois pire que les premières estimations. C’est environ 70 000 barils de pétrole qui gicle de la réserve de Macondo dans l’océan, soit 4 FOIS l’EXXON VALDEZ à TOUS LES QUATRE JOURS.

- Gulf oil gusher ‘ten times worse’ than previously estimated, experts say

So this is why BP’s release of video showing the Gulf oil gusher was mysteriously delayed.
According to a scientific analysis of footage from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, National Public Radio is claiming the growing ecological disaster is actually ten times worse than previously estimated, saying the rushing torrent of oil pouring into the ocean is equivalent to one Exxon-Valdez spill every four days.

That’s more than 70,000 barrels a day — when the U.S. Coast Guard had placed the figure at a seemingly modest 5,000 barrels a day.

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