Jean-marie LePen a engagé un psychiatre anglais, c’est nouveau...
I can understand that some immigrants, if they look at our culture and the decadence of it, they despise it. In a way they regard the Muslim faith as a kind of antidote to the decadence of the West. Do you agree with that analysis ?
TD : I think that is right, though I do not accept what they are saying entirely. You see, one of the problems, in Britain anyway, is that those parts of the Western culture that they see are genuinely the least attractive side : gross promiscuity, the idea that one’s whim is law. They do not understand anything of the better aspects of our culture. If we lack the confidence to pass our culture on to our own children it is hardly surprising that we do not have the confidence to pass it on to other people. If, for example, I ask a younger patient to name a British Prime Minister other than the present British Prime Minister or Mrs Thatcher (they have all heard of Mrs Thatcher) they will answer something like “I don’t know, I wasn’t born then,” as if one could not be expected to know anything except by personal acquaintance. Even our own children do not feel any connection with the past of their own country.
un gamin n’en a rien à foutre de Tatcher : c’est LUI qui en parle !
des propos d’extrême droite avec encore la décadence culturelle
auteur du Syndrome de Vichy
As taken from Saturday’s edition of PJM Political on Sirius-XM’s POTUS channel, here’s show producer Ed Driscoll’s interview with Theodore Dalymple. Dalymple is a former psychiatrist in the British prison system turned prolific journalist, much beloved by American conservatives and libertarians. He’s a scholar with the Manhattan Institute, and frequently contributes to their quarterly magazine, City Journal. He’s also the author of The New Vichy Syndrome, recently released by Encounter Books.
« much beloved by American conservatives and libertarians. »
c’est bien ce qu« on dit : ce REAC plaît à la droite dure !
un gars qui sursaute bien vite quand on lui parle de sa pensée d’extrême droite :
Nazism was right-wing.
Conservatism is right-wing.
Therefore Nazism was conservative and conservatism is Nazi.
But Nazism was not conservative ; when the Nazis called their adventrevolutionary, they were right. There was nothing conservative about their movement at all. But the “syllogism” above has insinuated deeply into the minds of our intelligentsia, which is why so many of them are afraid of the supposed taint of conservatism.
il en veut constamment à l’intelligentsia car elle lui rappelle que ses propos flirtent avec les thèses nazies et racistes !
il est raciste et toute ses théories tournent autour des »émeutes raciales de banlieues« : or elles ne sont pas raciales !
voilà sa prose de vieux réac
A group of 8,000 Bedouin living in Galilee gleefully claimed Obama as a relative, thanks to his resemblance to a Kenyan who had worked in British-mandated Palestine in the 1930s. It is unlikely that anyone would have claimed Senator McCain, let alone President Bush, as a long-lost relative.
In France, the left-leaning, originally Maoist newspaper Liberation said that the fact that America had a member of a racial minority and a woman among the contenders for the highest offices in the land meant that France could learn something about democracy from America. (It meant openness, which is not quite the same as democracy and may even sometimes be its opposite.)
01/06 02:36 - Christoff_M
La violence est due aux trafics, à des bandes organisées avec des armes lourdes... comme ce (...)
31/05 19:28 - appoline
@ Yohan, Après avoir débusqué les agents de la CIA, Momo ne veut pas se mettre à dos tous les (...)
31/05 19:23 - appoline
@ Talion, Mais non, le problème de nos jours est que la racaille ne prend pas ses (...)
31/05 10:15 - Luc Paul ROCHE
J’oubliais de préciser que votre article sort peu de temps après le texte d’Olivier (...)
31/05 09:52 - Luc Paul ROCHE
Excellent article. Merci d’avoir rétabli un tant soit peu de vérité en traduisant cet (...)
30/05 16:54 - foufouille
Eh, si, des boulots (enfin, des « stages qualifiants » avec engagement d’embauche), mais (...)
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