Morice, vous avez donnez le lien dans l’article de Navis sur les supposées pyramides de Bosnie , quel est votre avis personnel là-dessus ?
ce ne semble pas être un tumulus, en tout cas. Mais je n’en sais pas plus , et n’ai pas envie de faire d’article là-dessus...
ah au fait : un aveu
Efforts to Repel Gulf Oil Spill Are Described as Chaotic
on résume : c’est le BORDEL, rien n’avait été préparé et ça va fuir jusque août : c’est un DESASTRE !
They were supposed to be better prepared. When theExxon Valdez ran aground in Alaska in 1989, skimmers, booms and dispersants were in short supply for the response, which was led by a consortium of oil companies in which BP was the majority stakeholder.
A year later, lawmakers passed the federal Oil Pollution Actto ensure that plans were in place for oil spills, so the response effort would be quick, with clear responsibilities for everyone involved.
Every region of the country was required to have a contingency plan, tailored for its unique geography, for responding to a spill.
But Leslie Pearson, a private oil-spill response consultant, said federal oversight of spill contingency plans largely amounts to accepting what oil industry operators say they can do, rather than demanding they demonstrate that they can actually do it.