en démocratie il y a une opposition, l’alternance, la presse libre, des syndicats, une justice indépendante, le suffrage universel, des élections...la liberté de culte, de conscience, d’expression...
General David Petraeus
U.S. Commander, Iraq 2007
[image, right : The introduction to Former Southern Baptist Convention President Bobby Welch’s recent book You The Warrior Leader : Applying Military Strategy For Victorious Spiritual Warfare opens with the following quote :’Our church is not a passive, milquetoast organization to be tossed about by the whims of a pagan world. But the church is a militant, aggressive army, marching against the enemy... The battle is won. The victory is ours !... That is the church. Militant ! Aggressive ! Victorious !’. Welch’s book espoused a militant Christian theology of war. During the years of George W. Bush’s presidency and especially since 2004, SBC chaplains moved into top postions in the US military chaplaincy.
Petraeus et Horner
Early this month, Eric Horner, a Christian country-western singer, was preparing for a concert in North Carolina’s Outer Banks when he received a phone call from the United States military. President George W. Bush had just announced that he would deliver a speech to graduating Army recruits at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, in three days ; the military wanted to know if Horner could play the gig.
...Afterward, says Horner, he, his wife, and the couple who chartered the plane were the only non-officers allowed to meet with the president. The singer, whose religion-infused performances have previously been part of boot camps at Fort Jackson, the largest Army basic-training base, thinks the general there most likely "pulled some strings.
08/09 18:22 - cob
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_personam Un recours dialectique assez piteux, qui (...)
08/09 13:35 - Gonzague
08/09 13:14 - Tall
08/09 12:10 - morice
« ne détourne pas la réalité morice » vous non plus, comme vous l’avez fait ici, en (...)
08/09 12:08 - morice
ah ah ah ....toujours la même accusation infiondée : c’est de l’obsession chez (...)
08/09 12:02 - pyralene
Les nazis ont fait la même chose , il y a 77 ans..... on commence par brûler les livres et (...)
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