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Commentaire de charmord

sur J'accuse : les délits d'initiés du 11 septembre 2001

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charmord 27 septembre 2010 14:51

Sur le lien précité, on peut lire :

A company named Stratesec had an ongoing contractor to handle security at the World Trade Center « up to the day the buildings fell down » according to CEO Barry McDaniel. The company, formerly named Securacom, acquired an $8.3 million World Trade Center contract in October 1996, according to SEC filings. The company also provided security for Dulles International Airport and United Airlines between 1995 and 2001. Two of the commandeered flights on September 11th were United Airlines’, and one took off from Dulles.

Je suppose que le CEO de Stratesec sait de quoi il parle, non ?

Alala, Mmarvin, c’est tellement pitoyable...

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