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Commentaire de Aleth

sur Le problème de la voiture électrique

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Aleth Aleth 12 octobre 2010 21:00

@ wesson

’James Bond’ et le ’rayon de la mort’ c’est un autre sujet.

"Il faut un peu lâcher la Science Fiction ! [...] Il y a des loi physiques fondamentales qui permettent de se rendre compte d’ordres de grandeurs, et comprendre que l’électricité n’est tout simplement pas utilisable à grande échelle dans un véhicule comme source d’énergie principale. ça ne fait pas plaisir, mais c’est comme ça."

Science-fiction ? Nous allons voir ça. Quel entêtement avec les ’batteries à emporter’. Désolé pour le pavé mais puisque vous insistez (ok on se dit vous alors)...

In 1891 and 1892, Tesla had used an oscillatory transformer that bears his name in demonstration lectures delivered before meetings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in New York City" and the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) in London. Of two striking results that Tesla demonstrated, one was that the wireless transmission of electrical energy was possible. [...]

In the early presentations, the first experiment to be demonstrated was the operation of light and motive devices connected by a single wire to only one terminal of a high frequency induction coil, presented during the 1891 New York City lecture at Columbia University. While a single terminal incandescent lamp connected to one of an induction coil’s secondary terminals does not form a closed circuit “in the ordinary acceptance of the term”, the circuit is closed in the sense that a return path is established back to the secondary by what Tesla called “electrostatic induction” (or ’displacement currents’). This is due to the lamp’s filament or refractory button capacitance relative to the coil’s free terminal and environment ; the free terminal also has capacitance relative to the lamp and environment. At high frequencies, the displacement current through these capacitances is sufficient to light the lamp.

While working to develop an explanation for the two observed effects mentioned above, Tesla recognized that electrical energy can be projected outward into space and detected by a receiving instrument in the general vicinity of the source without the need for any interconnecting wires. He went on to develop two theories related to these observations, which are :

  1. By using two Tesla coil transmitter-receivers positioned at distant points on the Earth’s surface, it is possible to induce a flow of electrical current between them.
  2. By incorporating a portion of the Earth as part of a powerful dual-elevated-terminal Tesla coil transmitter an electrical disturbance can be impressed upon the Earth and detected “at great distance, or even all over the surface of the globe.”

Tesla also made the assumption that the Earth is a charged body floating in space.

A point of great importance would be first to know what is the capacity of the Earth ? and what charge does it contain if electrified ? Though we have no positive evidence of a charged body existing in space without other oppositely electrified bodies being near, there is a fair probability that the Earth is such a body, for by whatever process it was separated from other bodies—and this is the accepted view of its origin—it must have retained a charge, as occurs in all processes of mechanical separation.

Tesla was familiar with demonstrations that involved the charging of Leyden jar capacitors and isolated metal spheres with electrostatic influence machines (in modern terms, high-voltage (kV), low-current(μA) electrostatic generators). By bringing these elements into close proximity with each other, and also by making direct contact followed by their separation the charge can be manipulated. He surely had this in mind in the creation of his mental image, not being able to know that the model of Earth’s origin was inaccurate. The presently accepted model of planetary origin is one of accretion and collision.

If it be a charged body insulated in space its capacity should be extremely small, less than one-thousandth of a farad.

We now know that the Earth is a charged body, made so by processes—at least in part—related to the interaction between the continuous stream of charged particles called the solar wind that flows outward from the center of our solar system and Earth’s magnetosphere. And we also know that Tesla’s capacitance estimate was correct : Earth’s self-capacitance is about 710 microfarads.

But the upper strata of the air are conducting, and so, perhaps, is the medium in free space beyond the atmosphere, and these may contain an opposite charge. Then the capacity might be incomparably greater.

We now also know that Earth’s upper atmospheric strata are conducting, or can be made so.

In any case it is of the greatest importance to get an idea of what quantity of electricity the Earth contains.

The second result demonstrated how energy could be made to go through space without any connecting wires. This was the first step towards a practical wireless system. The wireless energy transmission effect involved the creation of an electric field between two metal plates, each being connected to one terminal of an induction coil’s secondary winding. Once again, a light-producing device (in this case a gas discharge tube) was used as a means of detecting the presence of the transmitted energy. « The most striking result obtained » involved the lighting of two partially evacuated tubes in an alternating electrostatic field while held in the hand of the experimenter. In Tesla’s words,

... I suspend a sheet of metal a distance from the ceiling on insulating cords and connect it to one terminal of the induction coil, the other terminal being preferably connected to the ground. Or else I suspend two sheets as illustrated in Fig. 29 / 125, each sheet being connected with one of the terminals of the coil, and their size being carefully determined. An exhausted tube may then be carried in the hand anywhere between the sheets or placed anywhere, even a certain distance beyond them ; it remains always luminous.

An additional condition of which we are now aware is that the Earth possesses a naturally existing negative charge with respect to the conducting region of the atmosphere beginning at an elevation of about 50 km. The potential difference between the Earth and this region is on the order of 400,000 volts. Near the Earth’s surface there is a ubiquitous downward directed E-field of about 100 V/m. Tesla referred to this charge as the “electric niveau” or electric level.

It is difficult to say whether we shall ever acquire this necessary knowledge, but there is hope that we may, and that is, by means of electrical resonance. If ever we can ascertain at what period the Earth’s charge, when disturbed, oscillates with respect to an oppositely electrified system or known circuit, we shall know a fact possibly of the greatest importance to the welfare of the human race. I propose to seek for the period by means of an electrical oscillator, or a source of alternating electric currents...

Some maintain the 200 kW wireless facility would have functioned by the production and propagation of electromagnetic radiation also known as the transverse electromagnetic (TEM) radio wave, but this is not the case.

I am not producing radiation in my system ; I am suppressing electromagnetic waves. But, on the other hand, my apparatus can be used effectively with electromagnetic waves. The apparatus has nothing to do with this new method except that it is the only means to practice it. So that in my system, you should free yourself of the idea that there is radiation, that energy is radiated. It is not radiated ; it is conserved.

By Tesla’s own account, his earth resonance system works by the creation of powerful disturbances in Earth’s natural electric charge. The Wardenclyffe facility had a dual purpose. In addition to point-to-point telecommunications and broadcasting it was also intended to demonstrate the transmission of electrical power on a reduced scale. He stated,

It is intended to give practical demonstrations of these principles with the plant illustrated. As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction. (etc etc etc...)

Et c’était il y a plus de 100 ans. Au risque de me répéter le système HAARP est en partie basé sur ce principe, mais à des fins a priori peu altruistes.

La transmission de l’énergie électrique sans danger, à grande distance et sur de larges zones est possible, il suffit juste de s’intéresser un chouia à l’affaire.

Et comme je l’avais cité précédemment...

In 1900, Morgan financed inventor Nikola Tesla and his Wardenclyffe Tower with $150,000 for experiments in transmitting energy. However, in 1903, when the tower structure was near completion, it was still not yet functional due to last-minute design changes that introduced an unintentional defect. When Morgan wanted to know "Where can I put the meter ?" Tesla had no answer. Tesla’s vision of free power did not agree with Morgan’s worldview ; nor would it pay for the maintenance of the transmission system. Construction costs eventually exceeded the money provided by Morgan, and additional financiers were reluctant to come forth. By July 1904, Morgan (and the other investors) finally decided they would not provide any additional financing. Morgan also advised other investors to avoid the project.

"Ce n’est certes pas la production d’agrocarburant - qui a besoin d’exploitation gigantesques et de phosphate qui a de grande chance de manquer bien avant la fin du pétrole« 

Le cannabis (n’hésitez pas à jeter un oeil) a été cultivé durant des millénaires à peu près partout sur le Globe, et sans forcément qu’il y ait besoin d’additifs au phosphate. Et encore une fois les zones agricoles ne manquent pas ! Et la main d’oeuvre non plus. Le cannabis, qu’on le veuille ou non, permet d’obtenir de l’huile pouvant servir de carburant. Mais cela arrangerait-il les affaires des compagnies pétrolières ?

 »Pour le dire plus simplement : la situation actuelle n’est pas spécifique au pétrole. Remplacez celui-ci par n’importe quoi d’autre, et vous n’aurez en définitive rien changé.« 

Mode ironie => Evidemment en décidant de remplacer les carburants à base de pétrole par des agro-carburants ça ne changerait absolument rien à l’affaire... ou à la géopolitique internationale, etc... surtout durant un siècle entier. C’est à se demander qui est naïf mon cher wesson.

 »Quand à remplacer le pétrole, de bonne ou de mauvaise volonté la solution à court ou moyen terme n’existe pas à ce jour."

Encore une fois l’exemple de la Tour Wardenclyffe (entre autres) démontre que vous avez tort. Le pétrole, contrairement à ce que certains prétendent depuis des décennies, n’est pas cette source énergétique ’indispensable et incontournable’ concernant le transport ou l’industrie, etc... C’est juste qu’il a rapporté et rapporte BEAUCOUP d’argent à ceux qui l’exploitent pour se remplir les poches, et toutes les solutions alternatives ont été écartées pour cette raison.

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