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Commentaire de Deneb

sur DSK : les théories du complot ne tiennent pas la route

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Deneb Deneb 19 mai 2011 06:30

Sa première communication depuis l’arrestation, c’est tout frais :

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board :

It is with infinite sadness that I feel compelled today to present to the Executive Board my resignation from my post of Managing Director of the IMF.

I think at this time first of my wife—whom I love more than anything—of my children, of my family, of my friends.

I think also of my colleagues at the Fund ; together we have accomplished such great things over the last three years and more.

To all, I want to say that I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me.

I want to protect this institution which I have served with honor and devotion, and especially—especially—I want to devote all my strength, all my time, and all my energy to proving my innocence.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

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