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Commentaire de avocatdudiable

sur En France, DSK serait resté en prison

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avocatdudiable avocatdudiable 20 mai 2011 23:35

Intéressant dans le lien de l’article http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2072209,00.html il est dit :

A Paris attorney who specializes in defending victims of sexual violence, who didn’t want to be named, says he has « an entire pile of complaints » from women who say they were attacked by Strauss-Kahn. Like Pierrat, he says last weekend’s news evoked déjà vu. And like Pierrat, he says he has a consistency of accusations against Strauss-Kahn. « It’s all so similar, » he says. "The lock thrown on the door, the pulled or ripped undergarments, the physical force that turned violent as resistance mounted, all of it.

Read more : http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2072209,00.html#ixzz1Mvm27wl6

Un avocat détient plusieurs dossiers DSK où il y a le même comportement de séquestration et de violence !

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