L’E-cat est en cours de certification aux Etats-Unis par UL (Underwriters Laboratories). Une usine entièrement robotisée serait en voie de construction, semble-t-il au Massachussetts, avec National Instruments comme partenaire industriel.
A terme (12-24 mois ?), le système pourra également produire de l’électricité, une fois surmontées les difficultés de maintien de la température à 400°C (plutôt que 120°C actuellement).
c’est une ESCROQUERIE le « labo » !!! ouvrez donc les yeux !!
c’est la deuxième fois ici qu’on y a droit à ces raocntars !
ccording to Rossi, in 1979 he received a B.Sc. in chemical engineering by Kensington University in California, a well-known diploma mill that was closed some years later. In 1990 he created an enterprise, Petroldragon, with the goal of converting waste in fuel. Things ended badly, the enterprise went bankrupt and Rossi went to jail charged for environmental damage. The waste he collected was not adequately processed and polluted the atmosphere and the water table. According to Rossi, local mafia induced the Italian Government to prosecute him. By the early 90’s Rossi had promised the US Army to provide them with thermoelectric devices with an output power of between 800 and 1,000 watts. The prototypes he sent for testing to New Hampshire University had only one tenth of the promised output power. Before Rossi could manufacture more devices, his factory in Atlanta was destroyed by an unexplained fire. Rossi then moved to Italy, but the devices he made in Italy just had an output power of a ridiculous 1 watt. In 1995 he went to jail charged with illegal gold traffic. All that, of course, has no direct relevance for the validity of the claims about the E-Cat, but I think it should be told to give to the reader a complete picture of the person behind the claims.
So far that’s all about E-Cat. It seems to be an extremely resilient story and Rossi has managed to keep suspense alive with his various announcements of larger and better systems, of mysterious customers, of military secrecy, of agreements with major universities and companies. It is probable that this bubble will progressively lose air and eventually deflate completely but, most likely, Rossi will gain a niche in the High Temple of Free Energy, side by side with Nikola Tesla (who beyond the grave must be cursing all those who invoke his name in vain) and many others who appointed themselves as the rescuers of Humankind with inventions that, subsequently, utterly failed to deliver their promises. This is the misery in the human condition.
In summary, dear readers, you probably have already a good idea about what is going on here. Apart from the painful show of the various “pseudo-demonstrations” of a device that is supposed to operate outside the known laws of physics, what is plainly absurd is the amount of space that this story has taken in the web and the amount of time that it has taken in terms of useless discussions, preventing us from focussing in what is really important, that is, preparing the unavoidable transition.
un bidule IMAGINAIRE :
« supposed to operate outside the known laws of physics »
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