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Commentaire de Argo

sur Costa Concordia. Merci, messieurs les assureurs

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Argo Argo 23 janvier 2012 12:02

Pour ceux qui lisent l’Anglais et pas l’Italien, je reproduis ici un extrait d’un article du Lloyd’s List (la bible maritime, pas le Journal de Mickey, mais sur abonnement uniquement) aujourd’hui. 

Lloyd’s List disclosed last week that Costa Concordia had once before sailed very near Giglio’s shore, on August 14, when it came within 230 m of the island. Costa Cruises said that it had authorised that approach but also claimed that the vessel was never closer than 500 m of the coast at any point in the voyage.

Capt Schettino told magistrates that Costa Cruises had insisted on the manoeuvre to please passengers and attract publicity, according to transcripts leaked to Italian newspapers.

“It was planned, we were supposed to have done it a week earlier but it was not possible because of bad weather,” Capt Schettino said, told the Corriere della Sera daily. “They insisted ; they said : ‘We do tourist navigation, we have to be seen, get publicity and greet the island’.”

He said he had performed similar manoeuvres regularly over the past four months on Costa Concordia and on other ships in the Costa fleet along the Italian coastline, which is dotted with small islands that are popular with tourists.

Costa Cruises declined to respond to Capt Schettino’s comments. “As an investigation by magistrates is currently underway, we cannot give out any information,” said Mr Foschi.

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