allez, réfléchissez encore un peu. Meyssan, en Libye, n’est jamais sorti de son hôtel.
Le cas de cette nana là n’est guère mieux :
exemple de ce qu’elle écrit
sa fiche Wiki résume qui elle est :
Lizzie Phelan, née Cocker is an independent reporter from the United Kingdom. She is best known for her reporting from Libya, and for her stance against NATO intervention in that country. However, her credibility as a neutral journalist has been repeatedly questioned, and she has been accused of acting as a mouthpiece for the Gaddafi regime. She added credibility to this opinion by referring to the rebels as « rats », echoing the words of Gaddafi.[1]
Phelan claimed to have witnessed alleged war crimes in the 2011 military intervention in Libya, committed by the National Transitional Council with the complicity of NATO.[9][10] Phelan has claimed that there were summary executions of members of the Qadhadhfa tribe by members of the National Transitional Council :
elle était où ? dans le même hôtel, payée par Kadhafi comme Meyssan : elle, elle appelait les insurgés des « rats », comme le fera sous son parapluie Kadhafi.
elle était où ? à l’hôtel Rixos, et pas loin de Kadhafi qui n’avait pas encore fui.
In August 2011, while in Libya, Lizzie Phelan was reported missing for more than 24 hours.[11] Journalist Thierry Meyssan testified that Lizzie Phelan had been among the journalists held at the Tripoli Rixos Al Nasr hotel until August 29 and that she evacuated with him on a rescue boat from Tripoli to Malta on that day along with former US congressman Walter E. Fauntroy who had also been reported missing during his negotiation mission in Libya.[12]
avec eux y’avait qui ? Walter E. Fauntroy . C’est qui ? Un pasteur pro-gay, sorte de Pasteur Doucé black...
Walter Edward Fauntroy (born February 6, 1933) is the former pastor of the New Bethel Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and a civil rights activist. He is also a former member of the United States Congress and was a candidate for the 1972 and 1976 Democratic presidential nomination,[2][3] as well as a human rights activist. His stated life work is to advocate public policy that « declares Good News to the poor, that binds up the broken hearted and sets at liberty them that are bound » in the United States and around the world.
son église
New Bethel Baptist Church
et a DETROIT, elle manquait d’argent : c’est une ville sinistrée
A few years ago, the church, like many other urban congregations, was forced to hire security guards to protect people entering and leaving the church on Sundays.
elle commémorait en mars 2001 l’anniversaire du discours de 1977 de Kadhafi sur le « pouvoir au peuple »
sur le site, on trouve le discours habituel de ...Meyssan
Under his guidance, Libya has gone from a third world country to a prosperous nation ; women have been liberated ; landlordism has been abolished ; and peoples power has been instituted. These are just some examples of the good things he’s done for Libyans. He’s also done much for people in other countries : he helped end the apartheid in south africa ; he criticized NATOs terrorist attack against Serbia ; he’s taken concrete steps to unite Africa. FUCK NATO !
pro-gay, mais opposé au mariage gay
Fauntroy has been criticized by supporters of gay rights,[9] for his support of the Federal Marriage Amendment.[10
il était bien à l’hôtel
Fauntroy visited Libya on a « peace mission » during the 2011 Libyan civil war.[16] He remained there through the invasion of Tripoli, amongst the journalists holed up at the Rixos Al Nasr, where all Western media was based ; this fact was confirmed by CNN reporter Matthew Chance on August 23, 2011, who noted on Twitter that Fauntroy was among the journalists being held within the hotel.[17] He was released with the rest of the foreign nationals on August 25, 2011, and returned to Washington, where he took part in remembrances of the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s « I Have a Dream » speech. [18]
et a déclaré en sortant qu’il avait VU des soldats du COS français décapiter des civils pour mettre ça sur le dos des hommes de Kadhafi....
In an interview inside his Northwest D.C. home last week, the noted civil rights leader, told the Afro that he watched French and Danish troops storm small villages late at night beheading, maiming and killing rebels and loyalists to show them who was in control.
« ’What the hell’ I’m thinking to myself. I’m getting out of here. So I went in hiding, » Fauntroy said.
bref, il s’est caché. pour dire juste après que 90% des libyens adoraient Kadhafi...
or il sortait de quel bureau pour faire sa déclaration comme quoi 90% des gens « aimaient »Kadhafi ? Celui de Kadhafi :
While in Libya, the former congressman also said he sat down with Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi for a one-on-one conversation. Gaddafi has ruled Libya since 1969, when he seized power in a military coup.
Fauntroy said he spoke with Gaddafi in person and that Gaddafi assured him that if he survived these attacks, the mission to unite African countries would continue.
Ce qui signifie aussi que le groupe était très proche de Kadhafi... qui réglait certainement leur note d’hôtel et d’autres « frais ».
en échange de quoi ?? D’une bonne propagande bien grasse....
06/02 16:35 - Hermes
L’incapacité à gérer sa propre violence pousse l’homme à touver des justifications (...)
06/02 10:33 - moriceà-homs-15-morts-080744520.html Pour Meyssan (...)
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04/02 01:27 - morice
à part ça, Meyssan ??? Syrie : 105 morts et des centaines de blessés dans des tirs de mortier (...)
29/01 20:15 - latitude zéro
Il déclare que les assaillants étaient sept hommes en uniforme militaire, appartenant aux (...)
29/01 01:47 - morice
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