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Commentaire de HERVE

sur Assassinat de John Kennedy : la piste du lobby militaire renforcée

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HERVE 5 février 2012 16:00

Sur Lemnitzer :

General Lemnitzer Gets Europe Position 1962


General Lemnitzer Is Welcomed In Belgium 1967


Shape Hq Moves 1967


Shape Moves To Belgium 1967


N.A.T.O. Sessions 1967


General Lemnitzer Honoured By De Gaulle… 1967


General Lemnitzer At Arc De Triomphe 1967


Plus ancien ... et au Japon :

Japanese Self Defense Force AKA Japanese… 1956


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Lyman Lemnitzer addresses a gathering and reviews military troops during the opening ceremony of NATO’s ’Shape’ in Belgium.
Location : Belgium
Date : 1967, April 4


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Signing of the agreement concerning the establishment of SHAPE in Belgium (Brussels,13 May 1967)

http://www.cvce.eu/obj/signing_of_the_agreement_concerning_the_establishmen t_of_shape_in_belgium_brussels_13_may_1967-en-0cff8b16-ade1-4d1d-958c-607f9ea4c269.html

On 10 March 1966, General de Gaulle officially announces that France intends to withdraw from the Atlantic Alliance’s integrated military command. Forced to leave its headquarters previously located at Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, the Alliance transfers its headquarters to Brussels and Casteau, Belgium, pursuant to an agreement signed in Brussels on 13 May 1967 between Pierre Harmel, Belgian Foreign Minister, and the US General Lyman Lemnitzer, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).

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