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Commentaire de Catherine Segurane

sur C'est sérieux : l'ONU pressée de dénoncer Dante pour islamophobie, racisme et homophobie

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Catherine Segurane Catherine Segurane 15 mars 2012 19:21

Quand Gerush92 lance une invitation à un événement dans les locaux mêmes de l’ONU à Genève :


“JUDAISM AND ISLAM. RULES FOR A NEW GOLDEN AGE”International EventDate : 2011-03-14
Author : Gherush92

We have the pleasure to invite you to the side event entitled “JUDAISM AND ISLAM. RULES FOR A NEW GOLDEN AGE”, that will be held next March 23 from 1 to 3pm, in Geneva, UN Headquarters, during the 16th Session of the Council for Human Rights. 

The aim of the event is to create an unprecedented meeting in which Islamic and Jewish culture, laws and rules could be considered as a holistic and self-consistent system able to effectively contribute to the main issues of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) such as environment, food, poverty, human rights and sustainable development.

The event will maintain a strictly cultural and scientific approach. The reference to the “Golden Age” has to be considered as an historical guideline for a new impulse to cooperation among prominent and traditional ancient cultures in view of a new development program in the area in the concerned areas. 

The event is included in the framework of the program “Bioeconomics Network and Sustainability”.

For Information :
Gherush92 Committee for Human Rights

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