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Commentaire de hunter

sur Le Complotiste N'est Pas Celui qu'on Croit

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hunter hunter 28 mars 2012 12:51

A méditer :

« There is no political solution
To our troubled evolution
Have no faith in constitution
There is no bloody revolution

We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world

Our so-called leaders speak
With words they try to jail you
The subjugate the meek
But it’s the rhetoric of failure

We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world

Where does the answer lie ?
Living from day to day
If it’s something we can’t buy
There must be another way

We are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world
Are spirits in the material world

Chanson de Sting et Police en 1981, album « Ghost in the machine »

Visionnaire non , quand on voit ce qui se passe de nos jours.... ?

Merci à Ezoterik Speed, très bon papier, très bon style, continuez

Be seeing you

H /

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