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Commentaire de morice

sur La Lotus seven, voiture de légende

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morice morice 17 mai 2012 12:00

C’était donc vrai, la Lotus a aussi été vendue en kit... Epoque bénie..

elle n’était vendue QUE comme ça au départ...

http://www.solarnavigator.net/automotive_directory/car_images/lotus_seven_p arts_kit.jpg

The Lotus 7, not to be confused with the Lotus VII, was based on the Lotus XI. It was manufactured by Lotus between 1957 and 1973, when the rights to production were sold to Caterham, who still make it as the Caterham 7. This was the first kit car, and became the basis of most later kit cars. The ’kit car’ was another Lotus first - rather than selling a car, Lotus sold all the parts for the car, plus instructions on how to assemble it. This reduced both labour costs and tax, and was possible because of the Lotus design philosophy - sports performance from a standard engine and simple design.

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