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Commentaire de FreeAmerican

sur Appel à tous les universitaires tunisiens démocrates

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FreeAmerican 22 septembre 2012 16:33

what is funny about what you wrote is that :

1- you once more play the role of the superior westerner ready to give orders and advice to those ignorant barbaric muslims who « made an error » by freely voting their choice in the last elections ... 
2- a few lines later, you claim that you want « la reprise en main réelle du pouvoir par le peuple tunisien lui-même ». So apart from the fact that you just laughably flip-flopped compared to all of what you have said earlier about democracy, you additionally contradict yourself in the same sentence. Because, and you may not know it, the small elite in Tunisia, is mainly anti-islam, and they constitute a very small minority in Tunisia. So if Tunisia is, as you want, to give real power to the People, then you will see Tunisia even more islamic and « obscurantist » than your worst nightmare, cause the Tunisian People is muslim and islamic and its religiosity has been oppressed for the last 56 years and during the criminal french colonization, so if it gets the real power in its hands ... you hypocrite frenchy islamophobe colonizers will definitely not like it.

so please stop your ignorance and your interference with Tunisians affairs, stop telling us that we made a mistake by voting freely for our choice, stop changing democracy and shaping it to your hypocrite desires once you discovered that it can bring islam to power, stop meddling into Tunisia affairs and play the superior french advice-giver, stop telling us what to do, stop your innate colonizer reflex, LEAVE TUNISIA ALONE. Shut up and get out of my country.

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