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Commentaire de morice

sur Pamela Geller, la fille au bikini... est bien derrière le film islamophobe !

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morice morice 23 septembre 2012 18:18

deux pieds là et la tête dans le cul, visiblement


Celente said : « Muslims in Europe, pack your bags and run. You’re not safe anymore ! The ethnic cleansing begin, the unimaginable a few years ago, displacement of millions. I said twenty years ago : the history of Europe is our near future and this time according to the Muslim nation the cause of all problems. Unemployment and crime to debris left lying about. »
« Muslims would want to destroy Western culture and state, he said. Now these moral issues in almost all European countries, the motivations of domestic and foreign politics. Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Flanders, Wallonia, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Islam hatred is unstoppable. »

c’est du Breivik... tout craché : vos sources sont bel et bien FACHOS.

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