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The multiple-sourced, publicly available NASA photographs of the pyramids, buildings, and connecting roads between the structures on Mars demonstrate the presence of ancient peoples on the planet.
ah ouais ??? des égyptiens sur Mars ? Marsamon ou ToutankhDeimos ?
. The spiritual aspects of UFOlogy, Adolf Hitler’s birthday (April 20), 19.5 degrees location of planetary « hotspots » (on the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, etc), the number 33 (Launch Complex 33, Shuttle Runway 33, 333 degrees from Egypt’s Great Pyramid at Giza leads to JPL in California), and more and more numbers are overwhelmingly discussed by Hoagland in detail.
là ça devient croquignolet : les aspects spirituels des OVNIS ; Rael est déjà là...
Finally, the greatest surprises in Hoagland’s book are in the last ninety pages. These last few pages contain the explosive description of Lunar ruins, mechanical artifacts, and even an (I kid you not) ancient robot head not unlike the one shown in the Star Trek : The Next Generation Mark Twain episode of « Time’s Arrow » when Data discovers his death lies in the past of San Francisco. T
ah ouais, des HLM sur la Lune dont on a photographié les ruines : et ils avaient le gaz et l’électricité au moins les Lunaires ??
Astronaut Alan Bean draws his colorful Moonscapes paintings with diagonal markings perhaps to show the presence of shattered glass domes fragments.
exemple de tableau de Bean :
le mec :
comme Leonov, il se démerde plutôt bien comme peintre...
et vous croyez à ces SORNETTES ????