Sauf qu’en l’occurrence, Kevin Myers, dont les poncifs crypto-racistes ont par ailleurs été dénoncés (voir ci-dessous), ne saurait constituer une référence fiable. A trop vouloir s’inscrire dans une logique dite du « politiquement incorrect » (phénomène de mode oblige), on aboutit parfois, à l’instar de Myers justement, à des extravagances irrationnelles dignes du café du commerce.
In July 2008, Myers wrote an article arguing that providing aid to Africa only results in increasing its population, and its problems.[4] This produced strong reactions, with the Immigrant Council of Ireland making an official complaint to the Garda Síochána alleging incitement to hatred.[5]
Hans Zomer of Dóchas, an association of NGOs, and another complainant, took a complaint to the Press Council on the grounds that it breached four principles of the Council’s Code of Practice : 1) Accuracy, 3) Fairness and Honesty, 4) Respect for Rights, and 8) Incitement to Hatred.[6][7] In their case details the Press Council said
beginning with the headline “Africa is giving nothing to anyone – apart from AIDS”, the mode of presentation was marked by rhetorical extravagance and hyperbole which used the failings of some to stigmatise whole societies, employing a level of generalisation that was distorting and seriously insulting to Africans as a whole and that -
In addition the article resorted, in several instances, to language that was gratuitously offensive and was, in the view of the Press Council, likely to cause grave offence to people throughout sub-Saharan Africa and to the many Africans in particular who are now resident in Ireland.
They concluded that the article did breach Principle 8 of the Code of Practice in that it was likely to cause grave offence. It did not, however, find reason to conclude that it was likely to stir-up hatred or that there was any intention to do so.
They also concluded that the Council did not have clear grounds on which to make any findings in relation to the complaints under Principles 1, 3 & 4 of the Code.
—Press Council of Ireland
Complainants and the Irish Independent[7]