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Commentaire de morice

sur USA : combien la mort (escamotée) d'un général est révélatrice... d'un embarras certain

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morice morice 31 décembre 2012 17:52

on dit que c’est Saddam qui avait mis le feu à tous ces puits avant son départ... vous qui ne laissez jamais un ganglion de fourmi non disséqué, avez-vous des infos sur ce point ?

il semble bien en effet que ce sont ses troupes qui l’on fait. Pour éteindre tout ça, on a fait venir les équipes de Red Adair, (alors âgé de 75 ans et décédé en 2004) qui avaient expérimenté jadis un drôle de truc pour les « souffler » : deux réacteurs d’avions montés « à l’envers » et disposés au bout d’un treillis de grue.... pour finalement l’abandonner au profit d’une sorte d’éteignoir monté sur Bulldozer après soufflage par explosif, parfois.

le témoignage de Red Adair

NEWSWEEK : Do you think Saddam Hussein’s troops might try the same fire-setting tactics inside Iraq as they did in Kuwait should the U.S. launch an attack ?
Red Adair : Nobody knows what Saddam’s going to do. Iraq has two tremendous oilfields, one in the north and one in the south. The southern field produces a reserve of at least 80 billion barrels of oil—it’s by far the biggest—while the north has about 15 billion barrels. Their natural gas reserves are way up in the trillions [110 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, according to the Energy Information Administration]. Something like that [setting fires] could take in the whole country. But you just can’t guess what Saddam would do. I wouldn’t assume anything. I would not be comfortable around that man. I think he is the world’s greatest liar, don’t you ? 


ah j’ai retrouvé le bidule à base de réacteurs de Migs 

This unique firefighting tank, which is fondly called « Big Wind » by some and « Windy » by others, has its own multicultural history. The tank is Russian, the owner is the Arab-owned Hungarian company MB Drilling, a division of the MB Group of Oman, and it was created in 1991 in a town 50 miles southeast of Budapest.

It is based on a Russian idea. For years, the Soviets had blown out gas- and oil-well fires and cleared snowbound airfields by using a single MiG-15 jet engine bolted onto the bed of a truck. But it wasn’t always powerful enough to defeat big blazes. Enter Windy, with two jet engines fixed to the more stable chassis of a tank.

The tank was to be used against well fires in Hungary, but the Gulf War erupted almost at the moment of its creation, and Windy was soon drafted (so to speak) and flown off in a C-130 cargo carrier to the blazing oil fields of Kuwait. Also dispatched with the vehicle were three middle-aged Hungarian firefighters who work for the MB Drilling Company. In 43 days in Kuwait, the Hungarian crew would put out nine fires and recap the wells.

étonnant, non ????

sur ce cas là, je n’ai jamais eu le temps de bucher en revanche..


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