c’est un escroc car il plagie les autres :
« Eh bien, je le connais (et ai parfois débattu avec lui à la radio) depuis des années, et il a toujours été dingue. Deux semaines après avoir prétendu que nous avions eu »une détection secréte« , il disait à la radio que quand Neil Armstrong a posé le pied sur la lune en 1969, il était entouré par des vaisseaux spatiaux extra-terrestres ! »
il confond les papillons avec des extraterrestres (voir la photo fournie) !!!
en plus IL MENT :
Greer is quick with « the truth » and how the field of UFOlogy is often marginalized and subjected to ridicule while the facelss and nameless bad guys rush in to cover it all up. The reality here is one need not look any further than Greer (among others) for the real problem the UFO field is faced with : The charlatans , delusional personalities, and outright sensationlists who are taking center stage with their completely unfounded and often times exaggerated claims, citing of anonymous sources, and offering of not a shred of tangible evidence as to those claims. Always convenient.
Steven Greer is not my ambassador and does not represent me - neither do the other lunatics out there spouting off sensationalistic claims, anonymous sources, and an a wide variety of other alien crap. If anyone is participating in a UFO cover-up of any kind or is contributing to weighing the subject down in an endless mire of embarrassment, it’d be Greer and his ilk who have made it all the easier to quickly dismiss the UFO subject as pure fantasy.