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Commentaire de lemoncitron

sur Europe, la dictature est en marche !

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lemoncitron lemoncitron 5 janvier 2014 21:35

vous vous tuez tout seul avec cet argument : car dans la RUE, les gens DEMANDENT l’Europe, alors que le POUVOIR demande Poutine !

Ah bon...

Voila ce que m’écrivait il y a quelques jours un ami ukrainien quand je lui demandait son point de vue sur l’ukraine : 

The situation in my country is disturbing, to say the least. I don’t know how the media in France cover these events, but I can tell you one thing : 

there are a bunch of « Euro-dreamers » as we call them who naively think that once the association with the EU has been signed, life will instantly become better, a paradise on earth. And they try to act like they represent the majority, which is not.

The current government is corrupt and ineffective, but in our politicum there’s no alternative to them sadly…

None the less they had enough brains to resign the EU association and thus protect our manufacturers like Antonov aircrafts, Motorsich, which depend on Russian market greatly.

My brother is in Kiev. Says these redneck pigs have ruined and littered the center of the capital. There’s dirt and trash on the streets, barricades… pathetic idiots…

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