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Commentaire de morice

sur L'été de la désinformation (6) : l'attrapeur de gogos

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morice morice 16 août 2014 14:55

« pincetttes » oui car votre source pue fort : c’est John Kelly , celui qui décrypte les langages à l’envers, un vieux procédé de mytho complet :


sa carte de visite à ce fêlé :

It’s no secret that messages encrypted backwards within human speech reveal valuable information. Used for intelligence-gathering in military, forensic and clinical applications, these remarkable phenomena have been seen and heard by radio and television audiences throughout the world.

Join world-famous expert analyst Jon Kelly for this special three-hour event and discover the secrets of unconscious communications from your inner voice.

Jon Kelly is an international clinician and world-famous speech analyst who released key intelligence pertaining to the Iraq War two years in advance of the « Shock and Awe » strikes against Baghdad in 2003. As a former feature producer for CBS Radio with experience in #1-rated US television, his work is featured in USA Today, Coast to Coast AM, Fox News, CBS Radio and Television, CBC, BBC London, Deutschlandradio Berlin, AOL News, UFO Digest and Forbes.com. 

source en effet de cet hoax sur Snowden :


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